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Cheque Bounce Lawyers

Cheque bounce lawyers play an important role and can offer legal advice and representation to both the complainant and the accused. They can help the complainant file a complaint with the police and the court and prepare a defense.


Our professionals at Taps9 Legal Services can also help negotiate a settlement between the parties if possible and provide advice on the applicablelaws, and regulations, ensure the evidence is properly presented in court, and ensure that the case is handled in accordance with the law.


Our lawyers can also help ensure that the rights of both parties are protected throughout the process. If you are looking for a cheque bounce lawyer, then you can simply rely on our professionals at Taps9. We will ensure that the case is handled in a fair and just manner.


The foundation for this is that cheques are bills of exchange to installments of cash, and if the cheque is stopped or returned unpaid for whatever reason, the cause for action arises. This can apply to direct debit, performance bonds, cheques and bills of exchange, letters of credit, and more.


If the client has received absolutely nothing in exchange for their payment or if the contract was illegal or obtained in a fraudulent manner, then the legal route is the way to go. We make sure that all our client’s data and information are kept secure and protected and we will never leak it out to a thirdparty or anyone else without your permission.


Give Us a Call

If you have a stopped payment on a cheque or need to defend a dishonored cheque and need to seek legal advice immediately, then give us a call or drop us a message and our team of professionals will get in touch with you.